Performing Presence

We know we want our rising leaders to: Present with Impact, Influence Stakeholders, Build Rapport, Have Presence – but we can hardly agree on what these terms mean, much less on how to train for them.

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Our Approach

This program leverages the toolkit of elite performers, who have to give authentic new performances consistently, under pressure, to break down abstract concepts such as “Presence” and “Influence” into discrete, repeatable behaviors. Then we practice. On our feet. Together.

The Program

Modular half-day workshop that is then paired with individualized coaching, either Master Class-style and/or in private sessions
Small to medium size, 6-20 participants, to create a strong peer learning community
1 Lead Facilitator per 6-8 participants for tailored, responsive support
Dynamic flow between group exercises, individualized coaching and back again
No decks. Entirely on your feet, hands on, interactive skill-building

The Outcomes

Expand the range of one’s personal style
Gain techniques to increase presence
Learn to connect deeply with listeners
Explore the power of personal stories
Grow comfortable moving to dialogue and fielding questions

More Services from Alejo

Signature Programs

Our signature programs focus on three crucial junctures in the Talent Development pipeline.


Designed for front-line contributors: new joiners, sales reps, and all who could benefit from the three C’s of Communication, Collaboration & Creativity.

Critical Conversations

Built for first-time People Leaders, or those in need of a Management Skills booster shot.

Performing Presence

Built for rising leaders, or those whose success requires them to make strong connections with others.

Build Your Own Program

Review our Skills Catalogue and design something bespoke.

Leadership Coaching

Private coaching packages for highly-focused development.

Embedded Partnerships

Your in-house theater company and creative consultants.